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This vignette demonstrates how to use the data visualization functions included in the WJPr package with a fictional dataset called GPP, which is bundled with the package. Version 1.0.0 of WJPr comes with ten plotting functions, enabling the creation of the following chart types:

  1. Bar (Horizontal/Vertical/Stacked)
  2. Diverging Bars
  3. Lines
  4. Slopes
  5. Dots (with error bars)
  6. Dumbbells
  7. Radar
  8. Rose
  9. Edgebars
  10. Gauge
# Always load the WJP fonts if not passing a custom theme to function

# Loading data
gpp_data <- WJPr::gpp

Bar Chart

Preparing the data

To begin, we will plot a simple vertical bar chart. For the GPP dataset, a common use case involves visualizing the percentage of responses across different groups of respondents. In this example, we will plot the percentage of respondents in each country who have “a lot” or “some” trust in Institution A. This is calculated as the percentage of people who answered 1 or 2 to question Q1A. The first step is to wrangle the data accordingly:

data4bars <- gpp_data %>%
  select(country, year, q1a) %>%
  group_by(country, year) %>%
    q1a = as.double(q1a),
    trust = case_when(
      q1a <= 2  ~ 1,
      q1a <= 4  ~ 0,
      q1a == 99 ~ NA_real_
    year = as.character(year)
  ) %>%
    trust   = mean(trust, na.rm = TRUE),
    .groups = "keep"
  ) %>%
    trust = trust*100
  ) %>%
  filter(year == "2022")

country year trust
Atlantis 2022 49.09091
Narnia 2022 45.65217
Neverland 2022 63.63636

Simple vertical chart

Once the data is prepared, we can create a basic vertical bar chart using the wjp_bars() function. You only need to specify the names of the columns that contain the values to be plotted on the Y-axis (target) and the categories to be displayed on the X-axis (grouping).

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country"    

Controlling color

Colors can be customized using the colors and cvec parameters. The colors parameter specifies the column used to distinguish color groups, while cvec is a named vector that maps specific values to specific colors. For example, to give all bars a consistent cool gray color, we can use the “year” column for colors and map the year “2002” to the color code “#8789C0”.

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country",
    colors    = "year",
    cvec      = c("2022" = "#8789C0")

If you prefer to assign a unique color to each country, you’ll need to create a new column because the grouping parameter is already using the “country” column. In the example below, we create a new column called “color_variable” with the same values as the “country” column:

data4bars <- data4bars %>%
    color_variable = country

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country",
    colors    = "color_variable",
    cvec      = c("Atlantis"  = "#2E4057",
                  "Narnia"    = "#083D77",
                  "Neverland" = "#F4D35E")

Adding value labels

To add value labels to the bars, use the labels and lab_pos parameters. The labels parameter specifies the column containing the label values, while lab_pos determines the position of the labels. Since the target column may contain values with many decimals, it’s common to create a separate column for rounded labels. In this example, we create two new columns, value_label and label_position, placing the labels 5 percentage points above the tops of the bars:

data4bars <- data4bars %>%
    value_label = paste0(
        round(trust, 0),
        nsmall = 0
    label_position = trust + 5

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country",
    labels    = "value_label",
    lab_pos   = "label_position",
    colors    = "color_variable",
    cvec      = c("Atlantis"  = "#2E4057",
                  "Narnia"    = "#083D77",
                  "Neverland" = "#F4D35E")

Switch to horizontal bars

By default, the bars are plotted vertically. However, switching to horizontal bars is as simple as setting the direction parameter to “horizontal”.

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country",
    labels    = "value_label",
    lab_pos   = "label_position",
    colors    = "color_variable",
    cvec      = c("Atlantis"  = "#2E4057",
                  "Narnia"    = "#083D77",
                  "Neverland" = "#F4D35E"),
    direction = "horizontal"

Stacked Bars Chart

The wjp_bars() function can also be used to create stacked bar charts. For instance, instead of plotting the percentage of respondents who have “a lot” or “some” trust in Institution A, we can visualize the percentage distribution for all possible responses in each country. First, we modify the data to reflect this new design:

data4stackedbars <- gpp_data %>%
    year == 2022
  ) %>%
  select(country, q1a) %>%
    q1a  = case_when(
      q1a == 1  ~ "A lot",
      q1a == 2  ~ "Some",
      q1a == 3  ~ "Little",
      q1a == 4  ~ "None",
      q1a == 99 ~ "No answer",
    q1a = factor(
      levels = c("A lot", "Some", "Little", "None", "No answer")
  ) %>%
  group_by(country, q1a) %>%
  count() %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
  arrange(country, desc(q1a)) %>%
    total       = sum(n),
    percentage  = (n/total)*100,
    value_label = paste0(
        round(percentage, 1),
        nsmall = 1
    value_label = if_else(percentage >= 5, value_label, NA_character_),
    label_position = cumsum(percentage)-(percentage/2)
  ) %>%
    country, q1a, percentage, value_label, label_position

country year trust color_variable value_label label_position
Atlantis 2022 49.09091 Atlantis 49% 54.09091
Narnia 2022 45.65217 Narnia 46% 50.65217
Neverland 2022 63.63636 Neverland 64% 68.63636

Notice that we transform the q1a column into a factor variable and define the specific levels (order) of responses. Specifying factor levels allows us to control how the answers are displayed in the chart. If we don’t define the factor levels, the responses will default to alphabetical order, which may not align with the intended order of this ordinal variable.

Once the data is ready, we can use the wjp_bars() function again, this time setting the stacked parameter to “TRUE”:

stacked_bar <- wjp_bars(
    target    = "percentage",        
    grouping  = "country",
    labels    = "value_label",
    lab_pos   = "label_position",
    colors    = "q1a",
    cvec      = c("A lot"     = "#32382E",
                  "Some"      = "#899878",
                  "Little"    = "#E4E6C3",
                  "None"      = "#BF4342",
                  "No answer" = "#858585"),
    direction = "horizontal",
    stacked   = TRUE

Diverging Bars Chart

Diverging bar charts are a variation of standard bar charts that use both the positive and negative sides of the Cartesian plane to display information. For example, let’s revisit our earlier case where we plotted levels of trust in Institution A. With diverging bars, we can plot the percentage of respondents who answered “A lot” and “Some” on one side, and the percentage of respondents who answered “Little” and “None” on the other. To achieve this, we first need to wrangle the data slightly differently:

data4divbars <- gpp_data %>%
    year == 2022
  ) %>%
  select(country, q1a) %>%
    q1a  = case_when(
      q1a <= 2  ~ "Trust",
      q1a <= 4  ~ "No Trust"
  ) %>%
  group_by(country, q1a) %>%
  count() %>%
  ) %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
    total       = sum(n),
    percentage  = (n/total)*100,
    value_label = paste0(
        round(percentage, 1),
        nsmall = 1
    value_label    = if_else(percentage >= 5, 
    direction      = if_else(q1a == "Trust", 
    percentage     = if_else(direction == "negative", 
    label_position = (percentage/2)
  ) %>%
    country, q1a, percentage, value_label, label_position, direction

country q1a percentage value_label label_position direction
Atlantis No Trust -50.90909 50.9% -25.45455 negative
Atlantis Trust 49.09091 49.1% 24.54545 positive
Narnia No Trust -54.34783 54.3% -27.17391 negative
Narnia Trust 45.65217 45.7% 22.82609 positive
Neverland No Trust -36.36364 36.4% -18.18182 negative
Neverland Trust 63.63636 63.6% 31.81818 positive

Diverging bar charts are a variation of standard bar charts that use both the positive and negative sides of the Cartesian plane to display information. For example, let’s revisit our earlier case where we plotted levels of trust in Institution A. With diverging bars, we can plot the percentage of respondents who answered “A lot” and “Some” on one side, and the percentage of respondents who answered “Little” and “None” on the other. To achieve this, we first need to wrangle the data slightly differently:

Pay close attention to how we create a new variable, direction, to specify the direction in which the values should be plotted. Values associated with a “negative” direction are converted into negative numbers.

Once the data is prepared, we can use the wjp_divbars() function to create the chart. Several parameters are used in the same way as in the wjp_bars() function:

  • target: Specifies the column containing the values to be plotted.
  • grouping: Specifies the column containing the categorical groupings.
  • cvec: Contains a named vector that links specific values to color codes.
  • labels: Specifies the column containing the value labels to display (optional).

In addition to these familiar parameters, the wjp_divbars() function has two unique parameters essential for diverging bar charts:

  • diverging: Specifies the column name that identifies the direction of the values (positive or negative).
  • negative: Specifies the value in the diverging column that indicates negative values.

By combining these parameters, the wjp_divbars() function allows for clear and effective visualization of contrasting groups within the data.

    target      = "percentage",       
    grouping    = "country",         
    diverging   = "q1a",     
    negative    = "negative",   
    cvec        = c("Trust"     = "#4F518C",
                    "No Trust"  = "#2C2A4A"),
    labels      = "value_label"


Edgebars is a specific type of horizontal bars that have the Y-Axis text on top of the bar instead that along the axis. This design modification is a good option when the dimensions of the plot are small (narrow) and the axis texts are expected to be long. Use the wjp_edgebars()` function to plot these bars in a similar way than previous examples.

    target    = "trust",        
    grouping  = "country",
    labels    = "color_variable",
    cvec      = "#F6D8AE"

Line Chart

Line charts are a great way to display the evolution of values over time. The wjp_lines() function allows you to create line charts with ease. Let’s assume we want to examine the percentage of people who have “a lot” or “some” trust in Institution A in Atlantis over time. To begin, we need to wrangle the data to match this design:

data4lines <- gpp_data %>%
    country == "Atlantis"
  ) %>%
  select(year, q1a, q1b, q1c) %>%
      \(x) as.double(x)
        .x <= 2  ~ 1,
        .x <= 4  ~ 0,
        .x == 99 ~ NA_real_
    year = as.character(year)
  ) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
      \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    .groups = "keep"
  ) %>%
      \(x) x*100
  ) %>%
    names_to  = "variable",
    values_to = "percentage" 
  ) %>%
    institution = case_when(
      variable == "q1a" ~ "Institution A",
      variable == "q1b" ~ "Institution B",
      variable == "q1c" ~ "Institution C"
    value_label = paste0(
        round(percentage, 0),
        nsmall = 0

year variable percentage institution value_label
2017 q1a 62.39316 Institution A 62%
2017 q1b 43.85965 Institution B 44%
2017 q1c 40.00000 Institution C 40%
2019 q1a 63.51351 Institution A 64%
2019 q1b 42.46575 Institution B 42%
2019 q1c 44.44444 Institution C 44%
2022 q1a 49.09091 Institution A 49%
2022 q1b 32.14286 Institution B 32%
2022 q1c 35.71429 Institution C 36%

Note that we are also retaining data on trust in Institution B and Institution C, and we are pivoting the dataset to a long format. However, for simplicity, we will start by plotting only the percentage of people who trust Institution A over time. We can achieve this with the wjp_lines() function. Many of the parameters work similarly to those in other functions:

  • target: Specifies the column containing the values to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • grouping: Specifies the column containing the categorical groupings. For most line charts, this is the year or time variable.
  • colors: Specifies the column used to distinguish different colors for the lines.
  • cvec: Contains a named vector mapping specific values to their corresponding color codes.
  • labels: Specifies the column containing value labels to display, if any.

Additionally, the wjp_lines() function requires the ngroups parameter to define the number of groups. Here’s how to set it:

  1. For a single line: If plotting only one line, as in the example below, set ngroups = 1.
    data4lines %>% filter(institution == "Institution A"),                    
    target         = "percentage",             
    grouping       = "year",
    ngroups        = 1,                 
    colors         = "institution",
    cvec           = c("Institution A" = "#08605F"),
    labels         = "value_label"

  1. For multiple lines: When plotting multiple lines, specify the column containing the group identifiers. In this case, also consider setting repel = TRUE to prevent overlapping value labels. Note that the ggrepel package must be loaded for this feature to work.
    target         = "percentage",             
    grouping       = "year",
    ngroups        = data4lines$institution,                 
    colors         = "institution",
    cvec           = c("Institution A" = "#08605F",
                       "Institution B" = "#9E6240",
                       "Institution C" = "#2E0E02"),
    labels         = "value_label",
    repel          = TRUE

Controlling opacities

The wjp_lines() function includes a special feature that allows you to highlight specific lines by adjusting their opacity. For instance, if you want to highlight the line representing trust levels in Institution A, start by setting transparency = TRUE. Then, use the transparencies parameter to pass a named vector specifying the opacity levels for each line. Ensure the named vector uses the same values as the color vector (cvec) to align opacities with the corresponding lines.

    target         = "percentage",             
    grouping       = "year",
    ngroups        = data4lines$institution,                 
    colors         = "institution",
    cvec           = c("Institution A" = "#08605F",
                       "Institution B" = "#9E6240",
                       "Institution C" = "#2E0E02"),
    labels         = "value_label",
    repel          = TRUE,
    transparency   = TRUE,
    transparencies = c("Institution A" = 1.00,
                       "Institution B" = 0.25,
                       "Institution C" = 0.25)

Slope Chart

Slope charts are a great choice for visualizing the evolution of variables between two specific points in time. They provide a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to line charts in such cases. The wjp_slope() function is designed for this purpose.

Let’s use an example where we disaggregate the evolution of trust in Institution A between 2017 and 2022 across three countries. We begin by preparing the data to fit this design:

data4slopes <- gpp_data %>%
  select(year, gend, q1a) %>%
    year %in% c(2017, 2019)
  ) %>%
    q1a = as.double(q1a),
    trust = case_when(
      q1a <= 2  ~ 1,
      q1a <= 4  ~ 0
    gender = case_when(
      gend == 1 ~ "Male",
      gend == 2 ~ "Female"
  ) %>%
  group_by(year, gender) %>%
    trust = mean(trust, na.rm = T)*100,
    .groups = "keep"
  ) %>%
    value_label = paste0(
        round(trust, 0),
        nsmall = 0

year gender trust value_label
2017 Female 60.00000 60%
2017 Male 58.59873 59%
2019 Female 65.90909 66%
2019 Male 63.46154 63%

Once the data is ready, we can use the wjp_slope() function. This function relies on parameters that have been covered in previous examples:

  • target: Specifies the column containing the values to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • grouping: Specifies the column containing the categorical groupings. For slope charts, this usually refers to the time variable or year.
  • colors: Specifies the column used to distinguish different colors in the slope chart.
  • cvec: Contains a named vector mapping specific values to their corresponding color codes.
  • labels: Specifies the column containing value labels to display, if any.
  • ngroups: Defines the number of lines to be plotted. For a single line, set ngroups = 1. For multiple lines, pass the column containing the group identifiers.
  • repel: Activates the ggrepel feature to prevent overlapping labels. Note that the ggrepel package must be loaded for this feature to work.

Using these parameters, you can create a slope chart that effectively highlights changes between two points in time while maintaining clarity and visual appeal.

    target    = "trust",             
    grouping  = "year",
    ngroups   = data4slopes$gender,                 
    labels    = "value_label",
    colors    = "gender",
    cvec      = c("Male"   = "#08605F",
                  "Female" = "#9E6240"),
    repel     = TRUE

Dots Chart

Minimal Example

Dot charts are an excellent option for displaying multiple variables and comparing results across different agents, regions, or categories. The wjp_dots() function allows you to create dot charts efficiently and effectively.

Let’s walk through an example where we plot the percentage of people who have “a lot” or “some” trust in Institutions A, B, C, and D across three countries: Atlantis, Narnia, and Neverland. To start, we need to prepare our data for this minimal example as follows:

data4dots <- gpp_data %>%
  select(country, q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d) %>%
      \(x) case_when(
        x <= 2 ~ 1,
        x <= 4 ~ 0
  ) %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
      \(x) mean(x, na.rm = T)*100
    .groups = "keep"
  ) %>%
    names_to  = "variable",
    values_to = "percentage" 
  ) %>%
    institution = case_when(
      variable == "q1a" ~ "Institution A",
      variable == "q1b" ~ "Institution B",
      variable == "q1c" ~ "Institution C",
      variable == "q1d" ~ "Institution D",
country variable percentage institution
Atlantis q1a 59.75610 Institution A
Atlantis q1b 40.74074 Institution B
Atlantis q1c 40.33613 Institution C
Atlantis q1d 52.65306 Institution D
Narnia q1a 60.88710 Institution A
Narnia q1b 41.86992 Institution B
Narnia q1c 41.80328 Institution C
Narnia q1d 49.20000 Institution D
Neverland q1a 58.77551 Institution A
Neverland q1b 40.57377 Institution B
Neverland q1c 39.34426 Institution C
Neverland q1d 44.39834 Institution D

Once the data is prepared, we can use the wjp_dots() function to create the dot chart. The required parameters for this function are consistent with those explained in earlier sections:

  • target: The column name containing the values to be plotted as dots.
  • grouping: The column name containing the categorical groupings (e.g., institutions or categories being compared).
  • colors: The column name used to assign different colors to the dots.
  • cvec: A named vector linking specific values to their corresponding color codes.
    target      = "percentage",
    grouping    = "institution",  
    colors      = "country",  
    cvec        = c("Atlantis"  = "#08605F",
                    "Narnia"    = "#9E6240",
                    "Neverland" = "#2E0E02")

Controlling opacities and shapes

A special feature of the wjp_dots() is that it allows you to apply a special highlight to certain data points through the manipulation of shapes and opacities. For this, we begin by setting the diffOpac and the diffShp parameters to TRUE. Then, we proceed to pass a named vector with the specific values of opacities and the desired symbol codes. The control of these traits works on the same values passed as through the colors and cvec parameters. To check the symbol codes used in ggplot, you can read the ggplot2 documentation.

    target      = "percentage",
    grouping    = "institution",  
    colors      = "country",  
    cvec        = c("Atlantis"  = "#08605F",
                    "Narnia"    = "#9E6240",
                    "Neverland" = "#2E0E02"),
    diffOpac    = TRUE,
    opacities   = c("Atlantis"  = 0.3,
                    "Narnia"    = 1.0,
                    "Neverland" = 0.3),
    diffShp     = TRUE,     
    shapes      = c("Atlantis"  = 15,
                    "Narnia"    = 21,
                    "Neverland" = 15)

Adding confidence intervals

The wjp_dots() function has a special feature that allows us to add confidence intervals to the plotted data points. This comes very handy when we want to visualize if two data points are statistically different from each other. Let’s assume that we want to know if the trust levels in Institution A, B, C, and D, are statistically different between males and females in our sample. For this, we first need to plot our data a little bit different given that, besides the data point (mean), we will also require the standard deviation and the sample size for each group and variable.

data4dots_errorbars <- gpp_data %>%
  select(gend, q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d) %>%
    gend = case_when(
      gend == 1 ~ "Male",
      gend == 2 ~ "Female",
      \(x) case_when(
        x <= 2 ~ 1,
        x <= 4 ~ 0
  ) %>%
  group_by(gend) %>%
      c(q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d),
      \(x) mean(x, na.rm = T)*100,
      .names = "{col}_mean"
      c(q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d),
      \(x) sum(!,
      .names = "{col}_n"
      c(q1a, q1b, q1c, q1d),
      \(x) sd(x, na.rm = T)*100,
      .names = "{col}_sd"
    .groups = "keep"
  ) %>%
    names_to      = c("variable", "stat"), 
    names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
    values_to     = "value"
  ) %>%
    names_from  = "stat",
    values_from = "value"
  ) %>%
    institution = case_when(
      variable == "q1a" ~ "Institution A",
      variable == "q1b" ~ "Institution B",
      variable == "q1c" ~ "Institution C",
      variable == "q1d" ~ "Institution D",

gend variable mean n sd institution
Female q1a 59.90099 404 49.07067 Institution A
Female q1b 40.60150 399 49.17039 Institution B
Female q1c 43.35840 399 49.61915 Institution C
Female q1d 50.86849 403 50.05460 Institution D
Male q1a 59.70149 335 49.12315 Institution A
Male q1b 41.61677 334 49.36616 Institution B
Male q1c 37.00306 327 48.35525 Institution C
Male q1d 46.24625 333 49.93393 Institution D

Once that we have the data ready. We make use of the wjp_dots() function and we set draw_ci = TRUE inside the function call. Additionally, we also need to specify the sd and sample_size parameters, which are the column names that contain the standard deviation and the sample size for each variable and group.

    target      = "mean",
    grouping    = "institution",  
    colors      = "gend",  
    cvec        = c("Male"   = "#08605F",
                    "Female" = "#9E6240"),
    draw_ci     = TRUE,
    sd          = "sd",
    sample_size = "n"


Dumbbells are a good option when we want to focus on two different points in time for multiple variables. The wjp_dumbbells function is used to plot dumbbells for this purpose. We can use the data that we used for plotting our line chart above and just filtering for two points in time. Once we have the data we can apply the wjp_dumbbells() function as usual with the parameters that we have reviewed in previous sections:

data4dumbbells <- data4lines %>% 
  filter(year %in% c("2017", "2022")) 

    data = data4dumbbells,
    target    = "percentage",
    grouping  = "institution",
    color     = "year",
    cvec      = c("2017" = "#08605F",
                  "2022" = "#9E6240"),
    cgroups   = c("2017", "2022")

Adding value labels to a dumbbell chart is as easy as specifying the column names that have the value label (labels) and the label position (labpos) to the plotting function.

data4dumbbells <- data4dumbbells %>% 
    lab_position = if_else(year == "2022", percentage-5, percentage+5)

    data = data4dumbbells,
    target    = "percentage",
    grouping  = "institution",
    color     = "year",
    cgroups   = c("2017", "2022"),
    cvec      = c("2017" = "#08605F",
                  "2022" = "#9E6240"),
    labels    = "value_label",
    labpos    = "lab_position"

Radar Chart

Minimal example

An alternative when trying to compare data points in multiple dimensions across groups is to use a radar chart. The wjp_radar() function can help you to quickly display a radar chart given a specific set of variables. Let’s assume that we want to plot the data points for a given set of variables that measure the performance of the justice system and we want to see disaggregated results per gender. We begin by wrangling the data accordingly:

data4radar <- gpp_data %>%
  select(gend, starts_with("q49")) %>%
    gender = case_when(
      gend == 1 ~ "Male",
      gend == 2 ~ "Female"
      \(x) case_when(
        x <= 2  ~ 1,
        x <= 99 ~ 0
  ) %>%
  group_by(gender) %>%
      \(x) mean(x, na.rm = T)*100
  ) %>%
    names_to  = "category",
    values_to = "percentage"
  ) %>%
    axis_label = category

gender category percentage axis_label
Female q49a 51.57480 q49a
Female q49b_G1 42.33577 q49b_G1
Female q49b_G2 48.36601 q49b_G2
Female q49c_G1 48.90511 q49c_G1
Female q49c_G2 48.36601 q49c_G2
Female q49d_G1 48.00000 q49d_G1
Female q49d_G2 45.32374 q49d_G2
Female q49e_G1 41.30435 q49e_G1
Female q49e_G2 46.40523 q49e_G2
Male q49a 51.64319 q49a
Male q49b_G1 45.66929 q49b_G1
Male q49b_G2 50.86207 q49b_G2
Male q49c_G1 58.59375 q49c_G1
Male q49c_G2 49.57265 q49c_G2
Male q49d_G1 60.20408 q49d_G1
Male q49d_G2 51.81818 q49d_G2
Male q49e_G1 50.00000 q49e_G1
Male q49e_G2 53.98230 q49e_G2

Once that we have the data ready, we can proceed by applying the wjp_radar() function. Several parameters are used in the same way as in the previous functions:

  • target: Specifies the column containing the values to be plotted.
  • axis_var: Equivalent to what is called grouping in other functions. It specifies the column containing the categorical groupings or variables that will be shown in each axis of the polar chart.
  • color_var: The column name used to assign different data points to different lines. Each line will have a different color.
  • cvec: Contains a named vector that links specific values to color codes.
  • label_var: Specifies the column containing the value labels to display.
    axis_var    = "category",         
    target      = "percentage",       
    labels      = "axis_label",        
    colors      = "gender"

Markdown support

One unique feature of the wjp_radar() function is its ability to support markdown and HTML aesthetics for the axis labels. Let’s assume that we want to extend the previous plot by displaying some explanatory text along with the specific value labels for both lines we can do this by creating a new column called “axis_label” that will have bolded text using markdown syntax as well as the value labels displayed using some HTML and CSS styles:

data4radar_md <- data4radar %>%
  group_by(category) %>%
    axis_label = case_when(
      category == "q49a"    ~ "**System is reliable**",
      category == "q49e_G2" ~ "**System is trustworthy**",
      category == "q49e_G1" ~ "**System is effective**",
      category == "q49d_G2" ~ "**System is fast**",
      category == "q49d_G1" ~ "**System is efficient**",
      category == "q49c_G2" ~ "**System is stable**",
      category == "q49c_G1" ~ "**System has no breaks**",
      category == "q49b_G2" ~ "**System has plenty of<br>channels**",
      category == "q49b_G1" ~ "**System has no loopholes**"
    male_value   = percentage,
    male_value   = if_else(gender == "Male", male_value, NA_real_),
    male_value   = first(male_value, na_rm = T),
    male_value   = paste0(format(round(male_value, 0), nsmall=0), "%"),
    female_value = percentage,
    female_value = if_else(gender == "Female", female_value, NA_real_),
    female_value = first(female_value, na_rm = T),
    female_value   = paste0(format(round(female_value, 0), nsmall=0), "%"),
    axis_label_md = paste0(
      "<span style='color:#49178e;font-size:4.217518mm'>",male_value,"</span>",
      "<span style='color:#524F4C;font-size:4.217518mm'> | </span>",
      "<span style='color:#dd58b1;font-size:4.217518mm'>",female_value,"</span><br>",
      "<span style='color:#524F4C;font-size:3.514598mm;font-weight:bold'>",axis_label,"</span>"

    data        = data4radar_md,
    axis_var    = "category",
    target      = "percentage",       
    labels      = "axis_label_md",        
    colors      = "gender",
    maincat     = "Female",
    cvec        = c("Male"   = "#141B41",
                    "Female" = "#306BAC")

Rose Chart

A radar chart is an excellent option to display data points across multiple variables for a single unit or for a disaggregated overview within an unit. However, an alternative to display multiple data points for a single unit would be a rose chart, which also uses polar coordinates. For this, the user can make use of the wjp_rose() function. All the parameters used by wjp_rose() are used in the same way as in the previous functions:

  • target: Specifies the column containing the values to be plotted.
  • grouping: It specifies the column containing the categorical groupings or variables that will be shown in each axis of the polar chart.
  • cvec: Contains a named vector that links specific values to color codes.
  • labels: Specifies the column containing the axis labels to display.

We can recreate the use of this plotting function using the same data used to exemplify the radar chart.

data4rose = data4radar %>% 
  filter(gender == "Female")

    target    = "percentage",       
    grouping  = "category",    
    labels    = "axis_label",
    cvec      = c("#FDF1E7", "#FBE2CF", "#F7C59F", 
                  "#E7C1A3", "#759EB8", "#7498B8", 
                  "#7392B7", "#4F6281", "#2A324B") 

Controlling the order of elements

Sometimes, we might want to control the order in which we show some elements in our charts. Some of the plotting functions in our WJPr package include the a custom_order and an order parameter. Let’s say that we want to further customize the diverging bars that we showed above and present the bars following in a specific order: Neverland (1), Atlantis (2), and Narnia (3). For this, we begin by setting the custom_order to TRUE and adding a new column to our data that has the specific order of the elements:

data4divbars <- data4divbars %>%
    order_no = case_when(
      country == "Neverland" ~ 1,
      country == "Atlantis"  ~ 2,
      country == "Narnia"    ~ 3

    target       = "percentage",       
    grouping     = "country",         
    diverging    = "q1a",     
    negative     = "negative",   
    cvec         = c("Trust"     = "#4F518C",
                     "No Trust"  = "#2C2A4A"),
    labels       = "value_label",
    custom_order = TRUE,
    order        = "order_no" 

Same can be done when working with dot charts:

data4dots <- data4dots %>%
    order_no = case_when(
      variable == "q1c" ~ 1,
      variable == "q1b" ~ 2,
      variable == "q1d" ~ 3,
      variable == "q1a" ~ 4

    target      = "percentage",
    grouping    = "institution",  
    colors      = "country",  
    cvec        = c("Atlantis"  = "#08605F",
                    "Narnia"    = "#9E6240",
                    "Neverland" = "#2E0E02"),
    order       = "order_no"

Adding more customizations

All the plotting functions from the WJPr package return a ggplot object. This means that, with a further knowledge of ggplot, the user can further customize the plot returned by the plotting function. For example, let’s say that we want to further customize our stacked bars from before and completely remove the panel grid and add some title and subtitle to it. We can do it by using the labs() and theme() functions from the ggplot2 package as shown bellow:

stacked_bar +
    title    = "Trust in Institution A",
    subtitle = "Percentage of people who has a lot, some, little, or no trust in Institution A"
  ) +
    axis.text.x         = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x  = element_blank(),
    plot.title.position = "plot",
    plot.subtitle       = element_text(face = "italic")