Austria |
German |
Appeal Court |
erwaltungsgerichtshof or VwGH |
Austria |
German |
Constitutional Court |
Verfassungsgerichtshof or VfGH |
Austria |
German |
Electoral Authority |
Bundeswahlbehörde |
Austria |
German |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Umweltbundesamt |
Austria |
German |
Human Rights Institution |
Volksanwaltschaft |
Austria |
German |
Justice Authority |
österreischische Judikative |
Austria |
German |
Labor Authority |
Arbeitsinspektion |
Austria |
German |
Local Court |
NA |
Austria |
German |
National Council |
Nationalrat |
Austria |
German |
Federal Council |
Bundesrat |
Austria |
German |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Bundesversammlung |
Austria |
German |
Regional Court |
NA |
Austria |
German |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Rechnungshof |
Austria |
German |
Supreme Court |
Oberster Gerichtshof or OGH |
Belgium |
French |
Appeal Court |
cour d’appel |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Appeal Court |
hof van beroep |
Belgium |
French |
Constitutional Court |
Cour constitutionelle |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Constitutional Court |
Grondwettelijk Hof |
Belgium |
French |
Electoral Authority |
SPF Intérieur |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Electoral Authority |
FOD Binnenlandse Zaken |
Belgium |
French |
Environmental Protection Authority |
SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire et Environnement |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Environmental Protection Authority |
FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu |
Belgium |
French |
Human Rights Institution |
Le Médiateur fédéral |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Human Rights Institution |
De federale Ombudsman |
Belgium |
French |
Justice Authority |
NA |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Justice Authority |
NA |
Belgium |
French |
Labor Authority |
cour du travail |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Labor Authority |
arbeidshof |
Belgium |
French |
Criminal Court |
cour d’assises |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Criminal Court |
hof van assisen |
Belgium |
French |
National Court |
NA |
Belgium |
Dutch |
National Court |
NA |
Belgium |
French |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Sénat |
Belgium |
Dutch |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Senaat |
Belgium |
French |
Regional Court |
NA |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Regional Court |
NA |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Rekenhof |
Belgium |
French |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Cour des comptes |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Supreme Court |
Hof van Cassatie |
Belgium |
French |
Supreme Court |
Cour de cassation |
Belgium |
Dutch |
Judicial |
hoven en rechtbanken |
Belgium |
French |
Judicial |
cours et tribunaux |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Appeals Court |
апелативни съдове |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Constitutional Court |
Конституционен съд на България |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Electoral Authority |
Централна избирателна комисия |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Изпълнителната агенция по околна среда |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Human Rights Institution |
Омбудсман на Република България |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Justice Authority |
Министерство на правосъдието на България |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Labor Authority |
Министерство на труда и социалната политика |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Local Court |
районни съдове |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
National Court |
NA |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Народно събрание |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Regional Court |
окръжни съдове |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Сметна палата |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian |
Supreme Court |
Върховен касационен съд |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Administrative Court |
Visoki upravni sud |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Constitutional Court |
Ustavni |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Electoral Authority |
Državno izborno povjerenstvo |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i energetike |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Human Rights Institution |
Pučka pravobraniteljica |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Justice Authority |
Državno sudbeno vijeće |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Labor Authority |
Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Commercial Court |
Visoki trgovački sud |
Croatia |
Croatian |
National Court |
NA |
Croatia |
Croatian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Hrvatski sabor |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Regional Court |
NA |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Državnog ureda za reviziju |
Croatia |
Croatian |
Supreme Court |
Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Appeal Court |
NA |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Electoral Authority |
Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Τμήματος Περιβάλλοντος |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Human Rights Institution |
Επιτρόπος Διοικήσεως και Προστασίας Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Justice Authority |
Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης και Δημοσίας Τάξεως |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Labor Authority |
Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Local Court |
NA |
Cyprus |
Greek |
National Court |
NA |
Cyprus |
Greek |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων Voulī́ tōn Antiprosṓpōn |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Regional Court |
Eparchiaká Dikastíria |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Ελεγκτική Υπηρεσία της Δημοκρατίας |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Supreme Court |
Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο |
Cyprus |
Greek |
Criminal Court |
Κακουργιοδικεία |
Cyprus |
English |
Appeal Court |
Appeal Court |
Cyprus |
English |
Constitutional Court |
Constitutional Court |
Cyprus |
English |
Electoral Authority |
Ministry of Interior |
Cyprus |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Department of Environment |
Cyprus |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
Commissioner for Administration and Protection of Human Rights |
Cyprus |
English |
Justice Authority |
Ministry of Justice and Public Order |
Cyprus |
English |
Labor Authority |
Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance |
Cyprus |
English |
Local Court |
Local Court |
Cyprus |
English |
National Court |
National Court |
Cyprus |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
House of Representatives |
Cyprus |
English |
Regional Court |
District Courts |
Cyprus |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Audit Office of the Republic |
Cyprus |
English |
Supreme Court |
The Supreme Court of Cyprus |
Cyprus |
English |
Criminal Court |
Assize Court |
Czechia |
Czech |
Appeal Court |
NA |
Czechia |
Czech |
Constitutional Court |
Ústavní soud |
Czechia |
Czech |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Czechia |
Czech |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministerstvo životního prostředí |
Czechia |
Czech |
Human Rights Institution |
Veřejný ochránce práv |
Czechia |
Czech |
Justice Authority |
NA |
Czechia |
Czech |
Labor Authority |
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí |
Czechia |
Czech |
Local courts |
okresní soudy |
Czechia |
Czech |
Administrative Court |
Nejvyšší správní soud České republiky |
Czechia |
Czech |
National Court |
vrchní soud |
Czechia |
Czech |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parlament |
Czechia |
Czech |
Regional Court |
krajské soudy |
Czechia |
Czech |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Nejvyšší kontrolní úřad, NKÚ |
Czechia |
Czech |
Supreme Court |
Nejvyšší soud |
Denmark |
Danish |
Appeal Court |
NA |
Denmark |
Danish |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Denmark |
Danish |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Denmark |
Danish |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Miljøstyrelsen |
Denmark |
Danish |
Human Rights Institution |
Folketingets Ombudsmand |
Denmark |
Danish |
Justice Authority |
Justitsministeriet |
Denmark |
Danish |
Labor Authority |
Arbejdstilsynet |
Denmark |
Danish |
National Court |
NA |
Denmark |
Danish |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Folketinget |
Denmark |
Danish |
Regional Court |
Vestre Landsret |
Denmark |
Danish |
Regional Court |
Østre Landsret |
Denmark |
Danish |
Regional Court |
Grønlands Landsret |
Denmark |
Danish |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Rigsrevisionen |
Denmark |
Danish |
Supreme Court |
Højesteret |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Appeal Court |
NA |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Constitutional Court |
Riigikohus |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Electoral Authority |
Riigi valimisteenistus |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
NA |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Human Rights Institution |
Õiguskantsler |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Justice Authority |
Õiguskantsler |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Labor Authority |
Tööinspektsioon |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Local Court |
Maakohtud |
Estonia |
Estonian |
National Court |
omavalitsus |
Estonia |
Estonian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Riigikogu |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Regional Court |
Ringkonnakohtud |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Riigikontroll |
Estonia |
Estonian |
Supreme Court |
Riigikohus |
Finland |
Finnish |
Appeal Court |
hovioikeus |
Finland |
Finnish |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Finland |
Finnish |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Finland |
Finnish |
Environmental Protection Authority |
ympäristöministeriö |
Finland |
Finnish |
Human Rights Institution |
Eduskunnan oikeusasiamies |
Finland |
Finnish |
Justice Authority |
oikeuskansleri |
Finland |
Finnish |
Labor Authority |
NA |
Finland |
Finnish |
Regional Admin Courts |
hallinto-oikeus |
Finland |
Finnish |
National Court |
NA |
Finland |
Finnish |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
eduskunta |
Finland |
Finnish |
District Court |
käräjäoikeus |
Finland |
Finnish |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto |
Finland |
Finnish |
Supreme Court |
korkein oikeus |
Finland |
English |
Appeal Court |
Courts of Appeals |
Finland |
English |
Constitutional Court |
Constitutional Court |
Finland |
English |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Finland |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministry of Environment |
Finland |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
Parliamentary Ombudsman |
Finland |
English |
Justice Authority |
Chancellor of Justice |
Finland |
English |
Labor Authority |
NA |
Finland |
English |
Regional Admin Courts |
Administrative Courts |
Finland |
English |
National Court |
National Court |
Finland |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parliament |
Finland |
English |
District Court |
District Courts |
Finland |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
National Audit Office |
Finland |
English |
Supreme Court |
Supreme Court |
France |
French |
Appeal Court |
court of appea |
France |
French |
Constitutional Court |
Conseil constitutionnel |
France |
French |
Electoral Authority |
Le ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer |
France |
French |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Le ministère français de l’Environnement, de l’Énergie et de la Mer |
France |
French |
Human Rights Institution |
Défenseur des droits |
France |
French |
Justice Authority |
Ministère de la Justice |
France |
French |
Labor Authority |
Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Insertion |
France |
French |
Local Court |
NA |
France |
French |
National Court |
Conseil d’État |
France |
French |
Senate |
Sénat |
France |
French |
House |
Assemblée nationale |
France |
French |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parlement français |
France |
French |
Regional Court |
tribunal de grande instance |
France |
French |
Supreme Audit Institution |
cour des comptes |
France |
French |
Supreme Court |
Cour de cassation |
Germany |
German |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Bundestag |
Germany |
German |
Supreme Court |
Bundesverfassungsgericht |
Germany |
German |
National Court |
NA |
Germany |
German |
Appeal Court |
Oberlandesgerichte |
Germany |
German |
Constitutional Court |
Bundesverfassungsgericht |
Germany |
German |
Labor Authority |
Bundesarbeitsgericht |
Germany |
German |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Umweltbundesamt |
Germany |
German |
Electoral Authority |
Bundestag |
Germany |
German |
Human Rights Institution |
NA |
Germany |
German |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Bundesgerichtshof |
Germany |
German |
Local Court |
Amtsgerichte |
Germany |
German |
Regional Court |
Landgerichte |
Germany |
German |
Justice Authority |
Bundesgerichtshof |
Greece |
Greek |
Appeal Court |
Efeteía |
Greece |
Greek |
Constitutional Court |
Ανώτατο Ειδικό Δικαστήριο |
Greece |
Greek |
Electoral Authority |
Υπουργείο Eσωτερικών |
Greece |
Greek |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας |
Greece |
Greek |
Human Rights Institution |
Ο Συνήγορος του Πολίτη |
Greece |
Greek |
Justice Authority |
Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης |
Greece |
Greek |
Labor Authority |
Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης |
Greece |
Greek |
Administrative Court |
Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας |
Greece |
Greek |
National Court |
NA |
Greece |
Greek |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Βουλή των Ελλήνων |
Greece |
Greek |
Regional Court |
NA |
Greece |
Greek |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο |
Greece |
Greek |
Supreme Court |
Άρειος Πάγος |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Appeal Court |
ítélőtábla |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Constitutional Court |
Alkotmánybírósága |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Környezetvédelmi Minisztérium |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Human Rights Institution |
Alapvető Jogok Biztosa |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Justice Authority |
NA |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Labor Authority |
Országos Munkaügyi Felügyelőség |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Administrative Court |
járásbíróságok |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
National Court |
NA |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Országgyűlés |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Regional Court |
ítélőtáblák |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Állami Számvevőszék |
Hungary |
Hungarian |
Supreme Court |
Kúria |
Hungary |
English |
Appeal Court |
Regional Appellate Courts |
Hungary |
English |
Constitutional Court |
Constitutional Court |
Hungary |
English |
Electoral Authority |
NA |
Hungary |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Hungarian Ministry for Environmental Protection |
Hungary |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
The Parliamentary Commissioners’ Office |
Hungary |
English |
Justice Authority |
NA |
Hungary |
English |
Labor Authority |
National Labour Inspectorate |
Hungary |
English |
Administrative Court |
District Courts |
Hungary |
English |
National Court |
NA |
Hungary |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
National Assembly |
Hungary |
English |
Regional Court |
Regional Courts |
Hungary |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
State Audit Office |
Hungary |
English |
Supreme Court |
Supreme Court |
Ireland |
English |
Appeal Court |
Court of Appeal |
Ireland |
English |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Ireland |
English |
Electoral Authority |
Electoral Commission |
Ireland |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Ireland |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
Office of the Ombudsman |
Ireland |
English |
Justice Authority |
Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Ireland |
English |
Labor Authority |
Department of Enterprise and Employment |
Ireland |
English |
Administrative Court |
NA |
Ireland |
English |
National Court |
NA |
Ireland |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Oireachtas |
Ireland |
English |
Regional Court |
District Courts |
Ireland |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Comptroller and Auditor General |
Ireland |
English |
Supreme Court |
Supreme Court |
Ireland |
English |
Principle Chamber |
Dáil Éireann |
Ireland |
English |
Upper House |
Seanad Éireann |
Italy |
Italian |
Appeal Court |
Corte d’appello |
Italy |
Italian |
Constitutional Court |
Corte costituzionale |
Italy |
Italian |
Electoral Authority |
Direzione Centrale dei Servizi Elettorali |
Italy |
Italian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale |
Italy |
Italian |
Human Rights Institution |
Coordinamento Nazionale dei Difensori Civici delle Regioni e delle Province autonome |
Italy |
Italian |
Justice Authority |
Consiglio superiore della magistratura |
Italy |
Italian |
Labor Authority |
Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali |
Italy |
Italian |
Administrative Court |
NA |
Italy |
Italian |
Regional Court |
tribunale amministrativo regionale |
Italy |
Italian |
Civil and Criminal Court |
Tribunale |
Italy |
Italian |
Supreme Court |
Corte Suprema di Cassazione |
Italy |
Italian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Corte dei conti |
Italy |
Italian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parlamento |
Italy |
Italian |
Principle Chamber |
Camera dei deputati |
Italy |
Italian |
Upper House |
Senato |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Appeal Court |
apgabaltiesa |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Constitutional Court |
Satversmes tiesa |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Electoral Authority |
Centrālā vēlēšanu komisija |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Human Rights Institution |
Valsts Tiesibsarga birojs |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Justice Authority |
Tieslietu ministrija |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Labor Authority |
Valsts darba inspekcija |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Local Court |
NA |
Latvia |
Latvian |
National Court |
Senāts |
Latvia |
Latvian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Saeima |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Regional Court |
NA |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Valsts kontrole |
Latvia |
Latvian |
Supreme Court |
Latvijas Republikas Augstākā tiesa |
Latvia |
English |
Appeal Court |
Court of Appeal |
Latvia |
English |
Constitutional Court |
Constitutional Court |
Latvia |
English |
Electoral Authority |
Central Election Commission |
Latvia |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development |
Latvia |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
The Ombudsman |
Latvia |
English |
Justice Authority |
Ministry of Justice |
Latvia |
English |
Labor Authority |
State Labour Inspectorate |
Latvia |
English |
Local Court |
NA |
Latvia |
English |
National Court |
Senate |
Latvia |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parliament |
Latvia |
English |
Regional Court |
NA |
Latvia |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
State Audit Office |
Latvia |
English |
Supreme Court |
Supreme Court |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Appeal Court |
apgabaltiesa |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Constitutional Court |
Satversmes tiesa |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Electoral Authority |
Centrālā vēlēšanu komisija |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Human Rights Institution |
Seimo kontrolierių įstaiga |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Justice Authority |
Tieslietu ministrija |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Labor Authority |
Valsts darba inspekcija |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Local Court |
NA |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
National Court |
Senāts |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Saeima |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Regional Court |
NA |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Valsts kontrole |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian |
Supreme Court |
Augstākā tiesa |
Lithuania |
English |
Appeal Court |
Court of Appeal |
Lithuania |
English |
Constitutional Court |
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia |
Lithuania |
English |
Electoral Authority |
Central Election Commission |
Lithuania |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development |
Lithuania |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
The Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania |
Lithuania |
English |
Justice Authority |
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia |
Lithuania |
English |
Labor Authority |
State Labour Inspectorate |
Lithuania |
English |
Local Court |
NA |
Lithuania |
English |
National Court |
Senate of Latvia |
Lithuania |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parliament |
Lithuania |
English |
Regional Court |
NA |
Lithuania |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
State Audit Office |
Lithuania |
English |
Supreme Court |
Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia |
Luxembourg |
French |
Appeal Court |
Cour d’Appel |
Luxembourg |
German |
Appeal Court |
Berufungsgericht |
Luxembourg |
French |
Constitutional Court |
Cour constitutionnelle |
Luxembourg |
German |
Constitutional Court |
Verfassungsgericht |
Luxembourg |
French |
Electoral Authority |
Bureau centralisateur gouvernemental pour les élections législatives et européennes |
Luxembourg |
German |
Electoral Authority |
Zentralisierungsbüro der Regierung für Parlaments- und Europawahlen |
Luxembourg |
French |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Administration de l’environnement |
Luxembourg |
German |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Die Umweltbehörde |
Luxembourg |
French |
Human Rights Institution/Omsbudsman |
Médiateur institutionnel |
Luxembourg |
German |
Human Rights Institution |
Institutioneller Mediator |
Luxembourg |
French |
Justice Authority |
Ministère de la Justice |
Luxembourg |
German |
Justice Authority |
Ministerium der Justiz |
Luxembourg |
French |
Labor Authority |
ministère du Travail |
Luxembourg |
German |
Labor Authority |
Arbeitsministerium |
Luxembourg |
French |
Criminal Court |
NA |
Luxembourg |
German |
Criminal Court |
NA |
Luxembourg |
French |
National Court |
NA |
Luxembourg |
German |
National Court |
NA |
Luxembourg |
French |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
D’Chamber Chambre des Députés |
Luxembourg |
German |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Abgeordnetenkammer |
Luxembourg |
French |
Regional Court |
Tribunal d’arrondisement |
Luxembourg |
German |
Regional Court |
Bezirksgericht |
Luxembourg |
German |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Cour de Comptes |
Luxembourg |
French |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Rechnungshof |
Luxembourg |
German |
Supreme Court |
oberster gerichtshof |
Luxembourg |
French |
Supreme Court |
Cour Supérieure de Justice |
Malta |
Maltese |
Appeal Court |
Kamra tal-Appell |
Malta |
Maltese |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Malta |
Maltese |
Electoral Authority |
Kommissjoni Elettorali |
Malta |
Maltese |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Awtorità għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi |
Malta |
Maltese |
Human Rights Institution |
L-Ombudsman |
Malta |
Maltese |
Justice Authority |
Kummissjoni għall-Ġustizzja Amministrattiva |
Malta |
Maltese |
Labor Authority |
Id-Dipartiment għall-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali u x-Xogħol |
Malta |
Maltese |
Local Court |
NA |
Malta |
Maltese |
National Court |
NA |
Malta |
Maltese |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Kamra tad-Deputati |
Malta |
Maltese |
Regional Court |
NA |
Malta |
Maltese |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Awdit |
Malta |
Maltese |
Supreme Court |
Korti d’Appell |
Malta |
English |
Appeal Court |
Court of Appeal |
Malta |
English |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Malta |
English |
Electoral Authority |
Electoral Commission |
Malta |
English |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Environment and Resources Authority |
Malta |
English |
Human Rights Institution |
The Ombudsman |
Malta |
English |
Justice Authority |
Commission for the Administration of Justice |
Malta |
English |
Labor Authority |
Department of Industrial and Employment Relations |
Malta |
English |
Local Court |
NA |
Malta |
English |
National Court |
NA |
Malta |
English |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
House of Representatives |
Malta |
English |
Regional Court |
NA |
Malta |
English |
Supreme Audit Institution |
National Audit Office |
Malta |
English |
Supreme Court |
Court of Appeal |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Appeal Court |
Centrale Raad van Beroep |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Constitutional Court |
Raad van State |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Electoral Authority |
kiesraad |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Human Rights Institution |
Nationale Ombudsman |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Justice Authority |
Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Labor Authority |
Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Local Court |
NA |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
National Court |
NA |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Staten-Generaal |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Regional Court |
NA |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Algemene Rekenkamer |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
Supreme Court |
Hoge Raad der Nederlanden |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
lower chamber |
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal |
Netherlands |
Dutch |
upper house |
Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal |
Poland |
Polish |
Appeal Court |
Sądy Apelacyjne |
Poland |
Polish |
Constitutional Court |
Trybunał Konstytucyjny |
Poland |
Polish |
Electoral Authority |
Krajowa Komisja Wyborcza |
Poland |
Polish |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska |
Poland |
Polish |
Human Rights Institution |
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich |
Poland |
Polish |
Justice Authority |
sądownictwo |
Poland |
Polish |
Labor Authority |
Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej |
Poland |
Polish |
District Court |
Sądy Okręgow |
Poland |
Polish |
National Court |
NA |
Poland |
Polish |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Rzeczypospolitej |
Poland |
Polish |
Regional Court |
Sądy Rejonowe |
Poland |
Polish |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli |
Poland |
Polish |
Supreme Court |
Sąd Najwyższy |
Poland |
Polish |
lower chamber |
Sejm |
Poland |
Polish |
upper house |
Senat |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Appeal Court |
tribunais da relação |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Constitutional Court |
Tribunal Constitucional |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Electoral Authority |
Comissão Nacional de Eleições |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministério do Ambiente e Ação Climática |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Human Rights Institution |
Provedor de Justiça |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Justice Authority |
Ministério da Justiça |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Labor Authority |
Ministério do Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Administrative Court |
Supremo Tribunal Administrativo |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
National Court |
NA |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Assembleia da República |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Regional Court |
tribunais de comarca |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Tribunal de Contas |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Supreme Court |
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça |
Romania |
Romanian |
Appeal Court |
curţi de apel |
Romania |
Romanian |
Constitutional Court |
Curtea Constituțională |
Romania |
Romanian |
Electoral Authority |
Romania |
Romanian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor |
Romania |
Romanian |
Human Rights Institution |
Avocatul Poporului |
Romania |
Romanian |
Justice Authority |
Ministerul Justiţiei |
Romania |
Romanian |
Labor Authority |
Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale |
Romania |
Romanian |
Local Court |
judecătorii |
Romania |
Romanian |
Courts |
NA |
Romania |
Romanian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Parlamentul |
Romania |
Romanian |
Regional Court |
tribunale |
Romania |
Romanian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Curtea de Conturi |
Romania |
Romanian |
Supreme Court |
Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Appeal Court |
NA |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Constitutional Court |
Ústavný súd |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Electoral Authority |
Štátna komisia pre voľby a kontrolu financovania politických strán |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministerstvo životného prostredia |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Human Rights Institution |
Verejný ochranca práv |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Justice Authority |
Ministerstvo spravodlivosti a súdy |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Labor Authority |
Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Local Court |
Okresne súdy |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
National Court |
NA |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Národná rada |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Regional Court |
Krajské súdy |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Najvyšší kontrolný úrad |
Slovakia |
Slovak |
Supreme Court |
Najvyšší súd |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Administrative Court |
Upravno sodišče |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Constitutional Court |
Ustavno sodišče |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Electoral Authority |
Državna volilna komisija |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Human Rights Institution |
Varuh človekovih pravic |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Justice Authority |
Ministrstvo za pravosodje |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Labor Authority |
Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Local Court |
Okrožna sodišča |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
National Court |
Višja sodišča |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Skupščina |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Regional Court |
NA |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Računsko sodišče |
Slovenia |
Slovenian |
Supreme Court |
Vrhovno sodišče |
Spain |
Spanish |
Appeal Court |
Audiencia Nacional |
Spain |
Spanish |
Constitutional Court |
Tribunal Constitucional |
Spain |
Spanish |
Electoral Authority |
Junta Electoral Central |
Spain |
Spanish |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico |
Spain |
Spanish |
Human Rights Institution |
Defensor del Pueblo |
Spain |
Spanish |
Justice Authority |
Ministerio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con las Cortes |
Spain |
Spanish |
Labor Authority |
Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social |
Spain |
Spanish |
Local Court |
NA |
Spain |
Spanish |
National Court |
Tribunales Superiores de Justicia |
Spain |
Spanish |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Cortes Generales |
Spain |
Spanish |
Regional Court |
NA |
Spain |
Spanish |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Tribunal de Cuentas |
Spain |
Spanish |
Supreme Court |
Tribunal Supremo |
Spain |
Spanish |
lower chamber |
Congreso de los Diputados |
Spain |
Spanish |
upper house |
Senado |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Appeal Court |
hovrätt |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Constitutional Court |
NA |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Electoral Authority |
Valmyndighetens |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Human Rights Institution |
Riksdagens ombudsmän - JO |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Justice Authority |
Justitiedepartementet |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Labor Authority |
Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Local Court |
tingsrätt |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Supreme Administrative Court |
Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen |
Sweden |
Swedish |
National Parliament/Assembly/Senate |
Riksdag |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Regional Court |
NA |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Supreme Audit Institution |
Riksrevisionen |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Supreme Court |
Högsta domstolen |